CoV19 refers to 2019-nCoV. Porc refers to Porcine.
CLR (hs) refers to the test in one specific human coronavirus group, such as CoV19, 229E, HKU1 and so on.
CLR refers to test in human coronavirus, bat coronavirus, camel coronavirus and so on.
So do Pi (hs), Pi, Tajima D, Tajima D(hs).
Fst is between human coronavirus and one non-human (bat, camel, cow, feline, fish, murine or porcine) coronavirus.
Collection Date : 1-Jan-96 Region : USA: Ohio Fullname : Bovine respiratory coronavirus bovine/US/OH-440-TC/1996 Source : bovine
Description : Bovine respiratory coronavirus bovine/US/OH-440-TC/1996, complete genome.