CoVDB Coronavirus Database (v2) Go to the lastest version >>
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Strain: Human_2019-nCoV_MN988713 Gene: QHO62877.1 S surface glycoprotein
Pfam:    Corona_S2 Spike_NTD Spike_rec_bind
PDBID score Evalue Identity Align-Len Cov. (Q) Cov. (T) Q-Span T-Span Analyze in iCn3D
6ACK 1912 0.0 76.15 1191 93.56% 99.00% 26 - 1214 28 - 1196 Analyze View alignments
6ACJ 1912 0.0 76.15 1191 93.56% 99.00% 26 - 1214 28 - 1196 Analyze View alignments
6ACG 1912 0.0 76.15 1191 93.56% 99.00% 26 - 1214 28 - 1196 Analyze View alignments
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Strain: Human_2019-nCoV_MN988713 Gene: QHO62876.1 ORF1 orf1ab polyprotein
Pfam:    Nsp1 SUD-M Macro NSP11 NAR DUF3655 nsp7 nsp8 Corona_RPol_N Corona_NSP4_C Nsp3_PL2pro NSP10 nsp9 Peptidase_C30 Viral_protease NSP16
PDBID score Evalue Identity Align-Len Cov. (Q) Cov. (T) Q-Span T-Span Analyze in iCn3D
6NUS 1906 0.0 96.14 933 13.15% 97.70% 4391 - 5323 1 - 933 Analyze View alignments
6NUR 1906 0.0 96.14 933 13.15% 97.70% 4391 - 5323 1 - 933 Analyze View alignments
6JYT 1256 0.0 99.83 601 8.47% 99.67% 5325 - 5925 3 - 603 Analyze View alignments
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Strain: Human_2019-nCoV_MN988713 Gene: QHO62884.1 N nucleocapsid phosphoprotein
Pfam:    Corona_nucleoca
PDBID score Evalue Identity Align-Len Cov. (Q) Cov. (T) Q-Span T-Span Analyze in iCn3D
1SSK 263 1e-87 91.67 132 31.50% 83.54% 43 - 174 21 - 152 Analyze View alignments
2OG3 252 1e-83 92.06 126 30.07% 91.30% 48 - 173 13 - 138 Analyze View alignments
2OFZ 252 1e-83 92.06 126 30.07% 91.30% 48 - 173 13 - 138 Analyze View alignments
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Strain: Human_2019-nCoV_MN988713 Gene: QHO62880.1 M membrane glycoprotein
Pfam:    Corona_M

Strain: Human_2019-nCoV_MN988713 Gene: QHO62879.1 E envelope protein
Pfam:    NS3_envE
PDBID score Evalue Identity Align-Len Cov. (Q) Cov. (T) Q-Span T-Span Analyze in iCn3D
5X29 58.2 4e-13 88.71 62 82.67% 76.54% 4 - 65 20 - 81 Analyze View alignments
2MM4 56.2 2e-12 91.38 58 77.33% 100.00% 8 - 65 1 - 58 Analyze View alignments

Strain: Human_2019-nCoV_MN988713 Gene: QHO62878.1 orf3a protein
Pfam:    APA3_viroporin

Strain: Human_2019-nCoV_MN988713 Gene: QHO62881.1 orf6 protein
Pfam:    Sars6

Strain: Human_2019-nCoV_MN988713 Gene: QHO62882.1 orf7a protein
Pfam:    SARS_X4
PDBID score Evalue Identity Align-Len Cov. (Q) Cov. (T) Q-Span T-Span Analyze in iCn3D
1XAK 157 2e-51 88.89 81 66.94% 97.59% 15 - 95 2 - 82 Analyze View alignments
1YO4 157 2e-51 90.48 84 69.42% 96.55% 16 - 98 3 - 86 Analyze View alignments

Strain: Human_2019-nCoV_MN988713 Gene: QHO62883.1 orf8 protein
Pfam:    Corona_NS8

Strain: Human_2019-nCoV_MN988713 Gene: QHO62885.1 orf10 protein
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